Therapeutic Eurythmy

             “Therapeutic Eurythmy can bring balance where there is imbalance, ultimately awakening                                the natural healing forces in each individual.”        ~ Linda Larson
Therapeutic Eurythmy Lesson in Elementary School

Our health depends upon an extremely intricate internal harmony between the metabolic, rhythmic and nervous systems of the body as well as the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of the human being.  Therapeutic Eurythmy can bring greater balance between body and soul, and harmony between our inner and outer worlds, ultimately awakening one’s natural healing forces, and can be practiced with all ages, from 2 or 3 and 103, and beyond.

Therapeutic Eurythmy, also known as  Eurythmy Therapy, is a movement therapy originating from the art of movement known as Eurythmy, which developed from the work of Austrian philosopher and educator Rudolf Steiner.  Working with gestures based on the sounds of speech, specifically vowels and consonants, and combining elements such as rhythm, expansion-contraction, geometric forms, and the use of copper balls and rods, exercises are coordinated to fit each person’s particular needs.  Such exercises are also accompanied by sounds of speech spoken by the therapist as the movement is made.  Each speech sound has its own unique quality and is embodied by the gesture.  Some movement exercises are also practiced silently.

The Therapeutic Eurythmist works on an individual basis with all ages, both children and adults, for a series over a Block of seven weeks, with additional Blocks sometimes recommended.  There is collaboration with an anthroposophic physician as often as possible.  Eurythmy Therapy/Therapeutic Eurythmy is practiced in most Waldorf Schools with children and students from Early Childhood through 12th Grade. 

The Therapeutic Eurythmist has completed six to seven years of training.  Depending on the individual situation a Therapeutic Eurythmy session usually lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, during which the therapist works on a one-on-one basis, and develops a program of exercises to address the individual’s specific needs.

Confidence, communication, creativity and clarity of thinking can be strengthened and enlivened.  Below are some of the conditions that can be addressed with Therapeutic Eurythmy:

  • allergies, athsma
  • ADHD
  • autism, asperger’s
  • bedwetting
  • cancer
  • dental concerns
  • chronic pain, headaches
  • depression, fear & anxiety
  • eye conditions
  • hyperactivity, impulse control
  • learning difficulties
  • memory
  • postural issues
  • spatial skills
  • speech articulation, stuttering
  • stress, fatigue, sleep difficulties
  • weight concerns

Please note that this can be only a very partial list and consult with Ms. Larson about your specific concern.

Therapeutic Eurythmy cannot be applied mechanically but requires an ongoing empathy with the patient.  Active love brought it into being, and only active love can practice it and carry it further.  It demands an increased awareness of the human being’s organizaion as a whole.”                                                                                                                                                                  ~ Elisabeth Baumann, early Therapeutic Eurythmist   

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